Ft. on HuffPost Latino Voices

Me siento muy excited to have had  #TheChingonaManifesto promoted to The Huffington Post Latino Voices vertical! πŸ™πŸ½

To share a little bit more about why I created this, I wrote it this past December after a conversation with a friend where he asked me what I need to do to really step into my power. That's what this manifesto is aboutβ€” reclaiming my power and being intentional about my life as a woman of color. It's a reminder of the work that is still left to do at a time in history when so much of the politics are about taking that power away from us. ✊🏽

I am humbled at the messages I have received from women as a result of thisβ€” sharing their stories of struggle and resilience. Telling me I brought them to tears, thanking me. In reality, it is me that is grateful, for them having allowed me into such an intimate and vulnerable moment in their lives. I never would have thought my words could evoke such a reaction and I feel so honored that they have and moved by the women who have in turn brought me to tears in the best way possible. Thank you. ✨

As Featured OnMonica Rivera